My Idol

My Idol

Friday, May 18, 2012

This Bitch Ophelia

Ophelia died boo hoo !

So Ophelia died in Hamlet , i knew it was coming. She was depressed because of her father telling her to stop talking to Hamlet. Then she saw Hamlet changing and became crazy. So she believed that he was mad because she stooped talking to him. She got every worse she found out her father died, but when she saw that Hamlet was the one that killed him she lost her mind.

When i think of Ophelia i think of a person that was stuck in a life that she had to go through suffering moments because of her dad. Her dad made her suffer by telling her to not talk to Hamlet, when she was in love with him. Her love for hamlet brought joy, but when she say him go to her room and just stare at her with that look she went crazy. It was the love for her father she listen to that made Hamlet kill him for getting in between and not minding his business.